Best tier 6 ship world of warships
Best tier 6 ship world of warships

I got a lucky draw and had 6 bots on my team. I picked Agir I did well with her on her maiden voyage in Co op. Tiers 8 and 9 are of little interest for lack of operations at those tiers, I do have most of the ships on your lists and they do get played for flakes but generally cruisers aren't always best in Co op.įrom your poll though it looks like not a lot of people are liking the tier 9's on your list. I have never tried Weimar in any other modes so I can't tell you how she does in Random or Ranked Way too many amazing score videos of Weimar she pretty much has the tools for Operations and I would think she does well in Co op. Weimar is just Weimar she does just about everything better than the Boise except for citadels and healing. Basically I aim to have the highest netto credit income after battles paired with a reasonable cost in real world money (cause spending over 60 for a Tier 9 ship alone seems too excessive for me), that puts me in Tier 7 or max 8 at real world cost. My go to is Boise and I didn't pick Nueve de Julio because she can't mount a special captain and get her reload down to 2.5 to switch shells. Well I havent analyzed in depth, to what Id tend on Tier 7, yet alone Tier 6. I actually never really play the Atlanta in Narai but I know she is great there.

best tier 6 ship world of warships

Tier 7 for Narai I picked Atlanta, Weimar and Boise.

Best tier 6 ship world of warships