How many cultist pages diablo 3
How many cultist pages diablo 3

how many cultist pages diablo 3

  • Act IV: Gardens of Hope 1, 2 and 3, Silver Spire 1 and 2, Hell Rift 1.
  • Act III: Keep Depths 1, 2 and 3, Stonefort, Rakkis Crossing, Arreat Crater 1, Tower of the Damned 1, The Core of Arreat.
  • Act I: The Weeping Hollow, Festering Woods, Cathedral Levels 1, 2 and 4, Halls of Agony levels 1, 2 and 3.
  • how many cultist pages diablo 3

    Each waypoint zone contains exactly 1 priest, and each priest drops a single page. Two portraits are rewarded, angelic and demonic versions of Life and Mana orbs from the original game.Ī portrait for obtaining all Cultist PagesĬlassic Angel - A timeless guardian of order gazes upon you.Ĭultist Pages are tomes needed to obtain a Classic Angel portrait from The Darkening of Tristram event in Diablo III.Īll 7 pages are dropped by Temporal Priests. Wirt's Leg is awarded for the same event line as Royal Calf.ĭiablo II: Resurrected Review - Pile Of Old Bones.The Butcher's Cleaver is looted from the Butcher (it's a Magic quality item).There are two, modeled after The Butcher's Cleaver and Wirt's Leg. Royal Calf, obtained through a semi-secret event line (see below).The Butcher, obtained for clearing Anniversary Dungeon with a fresh character in one go.

    How many cultist pages diablo 3